Adaptive Tuning Training for Oracle

A double-edged approach to solving your performance problems.

Maklee Engineering is pleased to offer a new service – combined Oracle Tuning & Training in a three-day seminar conducted on-site in your Oracle environment.

Tuning Oracle is not a simple task, yet its rewards are immense – it is not uncommon for precise tuning to result in a ten-fold performance increase.

Maklee’s on-site Oracle Tuning & Training Seminar is a powerful combination of theory and practice:

Day 1:  Oracle Tuning theory & discussion, with a focus on the features specific to your environment.

Days 2 & 3: Tuning and analysis in your Oracle environment, with a guaranteed minimum performance improvement of 25%, or no charge for the training seminar.

In the current financial climate, Maklee maximizes your training budget by conducting seminars on-site. This means that more staff can participate, and tuning skills and techniques are implemented directly in your Oracle environment. The seminar is tailored for 100% relevance to your environment, so every aspect of both theoretical and practical training is applicable to your company’s needs.

The service is provided for Oracle versions 9i, 10g and 11g on the following platforms: OpenVMS (Alpha & Itanium), Tru64, HP-UX, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris and IBM AIX.

Maklee’s customized seminars are individually designed to show immediate positive results in performance improvement and ROI.

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